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(吉隆坡讯)迎接乙巳蛇年的到来,马来西亚珠宝首饰名牌多美以“瑞蛇迎丰年” 为迎春主题,寄予贺岁新品岁稔年丰、人丁兴旺和生生不息美好愿景,与国人共 度新春佳节,祝愿收获美好的一年。
多美五大贺岁系列新品,今日在多美“瑞蛇迎丰年”新春巡礼齐齐亮相,并在集 团董事经理拿督吴逸平亲自推展面市后,随即在全马超过 50 家的门店同步发售。 多美迎春推出的五大系列产品,计有:以生肖蛇为主题的“金蛇贺岁系列”、集 文化意涵和风水布局于一体的“文化风水典藏”、送福寓意绝佳的“多美送福系 列”、祝愿财富增长的“多美财富系列”,以及年轻群体的暖心祝贺“多美萌新 春”。
吴逸平在推展礼上指出,多美今年所推出的贺岁产品,设计概念都是从乙巳蛇年 的文化象征衍生而来,再于这基础上与当代社会期许相结合,开发出的产品可谓 寓意深远。
从历史文化研究和文物考察所得发现,蛇在古代传说被视为延年、健康的祥瑞征 兆,神话故事中,造人的伏羲和女娲形象都是人与蛇的结合。中国由南到北出土 了许多来自不同上古时代的蛇造型文物,主要用于祭祀、祈年仪式。古时祭祀主 要祈求风调雨顺、祈求丰年,因此,蛇在中华文化里也是丰收和繁衍的象征。
中文字“巳”在字义上有新生、希望之意,古代纪年里“巳月”代表农历四月, 是万物完全复苏、成长正盛之时;“巳时”则指早上 9 点到 11 点,是人们工作 最有干劲的时段,“已”也予人一片生机勃勃的景象。
切合乙巳蛇年文化 赋予产品美好寓意
吴逸平说,综合“巳”的意涵和蛇文化象征,所总结出的丰收、康泰、兴旺和生 生不息美好寓意,其实都是从古至今各个社会家庭生活的向往,渴望过上安居乐 业的日子和幸福美满人生。
“多美贺岁系列产品的开发,便是在这些美好愿景的基础上,再于设计细节加上 相应元素,凸显赋予产品的美好寓意,并作为特色打造出独树一帜的贺岁产品。”
多美贺岁系列产品上,相关专属特色普遍可见,比如蛇造型方面,以寓意延年益 寿的传统中华纹饰“龟背纹”作为蛇鳞,赋予产品有关健康长寿方面更深刻的寓 意。多美的蛇造型专属特色,还包括“蛇吐舌头”,用以体现蛇超强的感知能力,
赋予产品有关洞察先机、乘势而起的祝愿,蛇尾内卷则象征迎接丰收之时,把累 累硕果全数收入囊中。
其他用以深化产品内涵的设计元素,还包括传统中华纹饰“水波纹”,其文化象 征是“富贵寿喜”,同时也代表着永恒、光明,完全切合多美所赋予产品的三大 美意,即富有和权位(或收获升职加薪)、人丁兴旺(也有健康长寿之意)和生 生不息。
值得一提的是,多美以“瑞蛇迎丰年”做主题,在贺岁产品开发上以丰收和生生不 息为导向的同时,中国邮政推出名为“蛇呈丰稔”的蛇年生肖邮票和央视春晚“巳 巳如意,生生不息”主题,与多美的主题方向一致。
为申遗造势 替丰收喝彩
另一方面,吴逸平也披露,多美今年也特别推出多款醒狮造型的产品,包括金利 是、吊坠和串饰,为正式向联合国教科文组织申遗的舞狮造势。
“马中两国携手向联合国教科文组织提交申请,以便把舞狮列入世界非物质文化 遗产名录,目前有关申遗程序已启动。舞狮深受国内各族同胞喜爱且共同参与其 中,马来西亚在推动高桩舞狮发展方面更是贡献卓著,一旦舞狮成功申遗,这将 会是全国上下的高光时刻。多美向来重视文化传承,推出醒狮造型的贺岁产品, 除了作为本地社会的一份子,表达对舞狮申遗的大力支持,与顾客共同展望舞狮 的入遗成功外,也借以弘扬舞狮文化,让人们对舞狮有进一步认识。”
吴逸平说,舞狮在文化上是中华民族的力量和智慧象征,同时也代表着吉庆。古 代农耕社会高度重视“春播秋收”,因此,秋天庄稼的收成在当时更是一等一的 大事,而人们一般会在欢度中秋佳节时,以舞狮庆贺该年丰收。
产品开发稍作调整 确保顾客购得心头好
“多美醒狮造型的相关产品共三款,供不同群体的消费者选购。由于金价自去年 起一路走高,连带黄金产品的售价上涨,为了避免所开发的贺岁产品定价远超出 顾客预算,以致顾客无奈割舍,多美也也在今年的贺岁产品开发上稍作调整,设 法让不同预算的顾客群体皆大欢喜,在各自可负担的金额内购得心头好。”
吴逸平强调,多美此举旨在缔造共赢与顾客同喜,这也是多美近年所提倡的“新 春送福”其中的一次实践。
多美借以乙巳蛇年的美好象征,打造寓意贴切的迎春佳作,推出的五大贺岁系列 新品中,总有一款合心意。赶紧前往全马任何一家多美门店,给自己带上一份好 运气,再把满满福气带回家。多美恭祝各界:瑞蛇送福迎丰年,美好愿景皆实现。
欲知进一步详情,欢迎联系: 市场部经理 Kelvin Chen
电话:+6012-395 1395
Tomei Unveils the 2025 Spring Festival Collection: “The Auspicious Year of the Snake”
Kuala Lumpur, 10 January 2025 – Celebrating the Year of the Snake, Tomei, Malaysia’s leading jewellery brand, has unveiled its 2025 Spring Festival Collection under the theme “The Auspicious Year of the Snake.” This year’s collection carries three auspicious blessings: bountiful harvests, family prosperity, and eternal vitality. These themes reflect Tomei’s commitment in celebrating Chinese cultural heritage and sharing joy with customers nationwide.
The five-series collection was officially launched today during the “Auspicious Year of the Snake” event, officiated by Tomei’s Group Managing Director, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng. The collection is now available at over 50 Tomei outlets nationwide. The line-up includes:
- The Auspicious Snake Collection – Highlighting the elegance of the zodiac snake.
The Glorious Culture by Tomei – A blend of cultural motifs and Feng Shui.
Tomei Blissful Collection – Offering blessings for the loved ones.
Tomei Fortune Collection – Wishing for financial growth.
Tomei Chomel CNY Series – A youthful and heartwarming celebration for younger generations.
Cultural Significance of the Snake in Design
Datuk Ng Yih Pyng emphasized that this year’s collection draws deeply from the cultural symbolism of the Year of the Snake, aligning it with contemporary aspirations.
Historically, snakes symbolize longevity and health. Ancient Chinese mythology often depicts Nüwa and Fuxi – creators of humanity – as part-human, part-snake. Artifacts unearthed across China illustrate the snake’s role in rituals celebrating harvest and prosperity. Furthermore, the Chinese character for “Si” (巳), associated with the Year of the Snake, representing rebirth and hope. In ancient calendrical terms, “Si” denotes growth and vitality, reflecting the bustling renewal of spring.
Symbolism and Unique Features
Each product in the collection incorporates distinctive elements to highlight its auspicious meaning. For example:
The scales of the snake adopt the “Tortoise Shell” pattern, symbolizing health and longevity.
The snake’s flicking tongue embodies keen perception, reflecting blessings of foresight and seizing opportunities.
The coiled tail of the snake signifies harvesting and gathering abundance.
Other traditional Chinese patterns, such as the “Ripple Motif” (水波纹), symbolize wealth, happiness, and eternity, reinforcing the collection’s core messages of prosperity, family well-being, and endless vitality.
Supporting Lion Dance’s UNESCO Candidacy
This year, Tomei also unveiled lion dance-themed designs, including gold ang paos, pendants, and charms, to support the joint Malaysia-China application to enlist the lion dance as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
“Lion dance is beloved by all Malaysians and represents unity and cultural pride. Tomei is honoured to play a role in raising awareness for this iconic tradition through our designs,” Datuk Ng said.
Adjusting to Meet Customer Needs
Acknowledging the rising prices of gold, Tomei has introduced a range of products catering to different budgets, ensuring customers to find pieces that resonate with their preferences without compromising on quality.
Spring Festival Wishes
Tomei invites customers to visit any outlets to explore this year’s festive collection. Bring home a piece of good fortune and usher in a prosperous Year of the Snake. Tomei wishes everyone: “The Auspicious Snake Brings Blessings of Prosperity; May All Your Dreams Come True.”
For Media Inquiries: Kelvin Chen, Marketing Manager
Tel: +6012-395 1395
多美集团董事经理拿督吴逸平 谈话重点
2. 来临一年是乙(yǐ)巳(sì)蛇年,而蛇作为一种远古图腾(téng),在上古时代里代表着祥瑞和健康。古代祭(jì)祀(sì)祈求风调雨顺,所使用的器物上就常见蛇的形象,因此,蛇在中华文化里是丰收的象征。
3. 多美根据蛇的文化象征,设定新春主题为“瑞蛇迎丰年”,并且以这主题作为今年的贺岁产品开发导向,在设计上赋(fù)予(yú)产品丰收、健康和生生不息的美好寓意。
4. 借以蛇年推出的系列贺岁新品,多美期许新的一年风调雨顺、国强民富,在岁月静好的日子里,人人都能收获心中向往的理想生活。
5. 各位,丰收另一个让人联想到的就是舞狮。古代农耕社会,秋天是收成的季节,人们会在欢度中秋佳节时,以舞狮来庆祝丰收,舞狮也因此成为庆祝丰收的象征物。
6. 舞狮具有丰富的文化内涵,在我国不但深受各族同胞喜爱,甚至还获得发扬光大;马来西亚原创的“高桩舞狮”,便是把舞狮带至国际舞台的推手。去年,马来西亚和中国签订协议,联手为舞狮申遗,并计划于今年内正式向联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)提名,将舞狮列为“全人类非物质文化遗产”。
7. 为此,多美今年新春推出了醒狮造型的系列贺岁产品,借以传扬舞狮的文化内涵,也同时为申遗造势。有兴趣的朋友,欢迎前往任何一家多美门市购买有关的产品,和多美一起表达对舞狮入遗的全力支持。
8. 有关的醒狮造型贺岁产品共有三款,包括金利是、吊坠和串饰(charm)。在目前金价走高的时候,多美期望通过打造多样化产品,让更多人有机会买到心头好(hào)。除此之外,部分贺岁产品,也在同样的造型下推出不同尺寸和价位的多个版本,以便迎合不同预算的顾客群体。这也是多美提倡的“新春送福”,务求人人皆大欢喜。
9. 多美综合以上的产品开发重点,于今年新春一共推出五大贺岁系列的特色产品,与大家共同展望蛇年的到来。这五大系列分别是:
- 金蛇贺岁系列;
- “文化风水典藏”(cáng);
- “多美送福系列”;
- “多美财富系列”;
- 以及贴近年轻群体的“多美萌(méng)新春”。
五福临门象征: 葫芦(康宁)、如意棒(顺心)、金砖(富贵)、钻石(惬意)、屋子(和谐)
五谷丰登象征: 寿桃,健康长寿(健康运)、葡萄,果实累累(事业运)、大白菜,百财亨通(正财运)、胡萝卜,鸿运当头(偏财运)、凤梨,人丁兴旺(家庭运)
古人认为,蛇善于生财兔子会守财,是象征富贵的婚姻配对。风水 五行相生原理下,兔子属木可成就属火的蛇,源源不绝的给蛇供应 资源。 蛇和兔都象征繁衍,生命力旺盛,用作蛇鳞的传统中华纹饰“龟背 纹”也寓意吉祥长寿,恰逢蛇年流年飞星“二黑病符星”入中宫, 祝愿不受病痛干扰。 兔子对应“卯时”,是清晨五点-七点,是曙光初露之时;蛇对应“巳时”,是早上九 点-十一点,是充满活力之时,都是生机勃勃的景象。
多美独家首创的压岁金,分作1gram 和10gram999.9 足金金币。产品概念衍生自新春传 统习俗“压岁钱”,是除夕文化传承中的重要一部分。
在除夕文化中,压岁钱和守岁的初衷是一致的,带有 镇压与驱赶邪祟瘟病之意,目的都是为了祈求平安, 来年吉祥。
历史上,压岁钱有多种形式。最为普遍流传的一个形 式是在除夕夜里,由长辈分给晚辈。人们认为小孩容易受鬼祟侵害,所以用压岁钱来“压 祟驱邪”,这里面包含着长辈对晚辈的关切之情。
另一个形式则是晚辈给长者(老人),这压岁钱里边 的“岁”,指的是“年岁”,意在期盼家中老者长寿 健康。
“多美萌新春”是多美推出的新年系列产品,以有趣形象融合经典元素,让年轻一辈进一 步爱上并了解中华元素,让中华文化得以源远流长。
The Glorious Culture by Tomei
Discover the essence of Chinese culture with Tomei’s ‘Glorious Culture Collection.’ A collaboration with Feng Shui experts and scholars, it elevates jewelry to new cultural heights.
The 5 Blessings that bring Fruitful Harvest
The bracelet is designed with the 5 Chinese elements and using 5 different types of fruits and vegetables to indicate bountiful outcomes, using 10 elements which indicate a success of 10 out of 10.
5 blessings: Gourd (Healthy), Ru Yi (Wishful), Gold Bar (Wealth), Diamond (Joyful), House (Peaceful).
5 Harvest: Peach (The luck for Health), Grapes (The luck of Fruitful Career), Chinese Cabbage (The luck of Wealth), Carrot (The luck of everything Good), Pineapple (The luck of Peaceful Family).
Cooperation of Snake and Rabbit
Snake is responsible for earning where rabbit is set to guard the wealth. Besides that, snake and rabbit are both good on producing offsprings, which means good vitality. The scales of snake are replaced with scales of tortoise that indicate long lives.
Lion dance with Hopes
Lion dance in Chinese culture is a dance that conquers difficulties and hops onto new heights. It is a celebration when good things happened, and as such, this lion dance pendant means an elevation of fame and fortune.
The Auspicious Snake Collection
The Auspicious Snake Collection by Tomei is a Chinese New Year masterpiece that captures the intricate beauty of form, embedding each piece with profound symbolism and auspicious meanings. It is a perfect harmony of heartfelt intention and inspires creativity, embodying the vision it carries.
Auspicious Snake with Fruitful Harvest
In line with the theme of “Auspicious Snake that brings Fruitful Harvest”, the red eyes of the snake carry the meaning of good eyesight with smart aims in investments. On top of that, the scales are replaced with tortoise scales that indicate strong body and long lives.
The Auspicious Year of the Snake (100g Limited Edition Gold Bar)
Bamboo is a plant that grows with high speed, showcasing career and wealth reaching new peaks. The snake in the design represents the production of many offsprings, depicting everything good expands in good trend.
TOMEI Ya Sui Jin
Available in 1g and 10g of 999.9 gold, this is an extension of the Chinese Ang Pow money-giving culture, giving Ya Sui Jin to children and elders, meaning blessings for healthy lives and everything good to happen.
Tomei Fortune Collection
Abacus is a symbol of wealth and being conscious of every aspect of life, bestowing the spirit of fruitful harvest and wealthy lives in Chinese tradition.
Endless Fortune
“Hui Wen” (endless rotation) is one of the oldest traditional Chinese patterns, symbolizes continuous prosperity and blessings. Encircling the abacus, it represents growing wealth and conveys heartfelt wishes for a life filled with blissful blessings.
Blessing of the Snake
Symbolises the awakening of the agile snake from winter hibernation, brimming with renewed vitality and by incorporating the abacus in its design, the pendant embodies the wish for “wealth flowing abundantly far and wide,” heralding a new year of renewal, prosperity, and bountiful harvests.
Tomei Blissful Collection
Dreaming of a life filled with auspicious moments is a universal desire. Let Tomei’s Blissful Collection serves as your emblem, projecting the most heartfelt blessings for your loved ones.
The Shimmering Ruyi Knot
‘Ruyi’ knot is a traditional knot in Chinese culture, indicating “good fortune” and “endless good things” in lives.
The Grand Blessing
The grandeur of life is receiving blessings from every angle, collecting good fortune and resources all around – and these are represented in the gorgeous bangle.
Tomei Chomel CNY Series
The “Tomei Chomel CNY Series” is a Chinese New Year festive collection that blends adorable designs with timeless traditions. It inspires the younger generation to embrace and cherish Chinese heritage, ensuring the rich culture continues to thrive for generations to come.
Wealthy Flower
Depicting lives filled with wealth and blessings, earning money as easy as growing flowers.
Smart Dancing Lion
The red eyes of the little adorable lion showcasing a brilliant dancing lion is a growing trend, having clever and creative minds that will provide one with innovative ideas.
Multiplying Money
A small money pot growing on top of the big ones brings forward investment that gives favorable profits, multiplying one’s assets for growing wealth.
From left, Mary Lu- General Manager, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng – Managing Director, Ng Yi Jia – Deputy Head of Group Marketing and
Jane Ngew- Product Development Manager
多美集团总经理- 吕美俪女士, 多美集团董事经理- 拿督吴逸平, 多美集团市场副总监- 吴怡佳女士,
多美集团产品开发经理- 吴妗洁女士